School girl involved physical


If you long for a thick and radiant hair, we have the right recipe for you!
Surprisingly, not many people know that red onion juice can efficiently help to reduce hair loss, prevent greying and at the same time speed up the growth of new hair and improve hair quality.

Although hair growth is generally influenced by genes, there are numerous internal and external factors that adversely affect this.
However, this natural remedy which has been passed on for generations can significantly stimulate new hair growth. The red onion juice treatment is so effective that even Hollywood celebrities use it. A number of studies have shown that onions prevent hair loss in 87% of cases.

Even dermatologists confirm that with this treatment there are no side-effects on the scalp or hair. Onions are exceptionally rich in sulfur, which stimulates the production of collagen, essential for hair growth.

In addition, onion juice is extremely beneficial for improving blood circulation to the scalp, along with minimizing any inflammation of the skin due to its antibacterial properties.

For one thing, onion juice makes your hair stronger, opens the hair follicles and prevents infection to the scalp.

Those who have applied this method say it gives results after just one month!

Clean and slice 2-4 onions and squeeze their juice or blend them in a food processor to extract the juice.

Add 1 tablespoon of honey in the juice and mix well.

Massage your scalp with this mixture and leave to act for about 15-30 minutes. The smell is strong but it’s worth the effort. You can hold up to an hour, if you have the time.

After this treatment, wash your hair as you normally would.

Repeat two to three times a month.

School girl involved physical School girl involved physical Reviewed by xyz on 6:06 AM Rating: 5

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