Air Crash Investigation 2015 What Happened to MH370 Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Premiere

Australian authorities searching for the wreckage of a Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 that went missing 20 months ago have been asked to urgently re-investigate an area in the Indian Ocean. Sonar pictures collected in the remote area off Western Australia between September 22 to 25 by the Australian Transport and Safety Bureau (ATSB) show what could be debris from the plane, experts said. U.S. geophysical consulting firm Williamson & Associates said the images bore a striking similarity to the underwater debris field Air France Flight 447 left on the Atlantic Ocean floor when it crashed in 2009 - killing all 228 passengers and crew.
Air Crash Investigation 2015 What Happened to MH370 Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Premiere Air Crash Investigation 2015 What Happened to MH370 Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Premiere Reviewed by xyz on 6:57 PM Rating: 5

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