Dhamala Ko Hamala with Subekchya Thapa (Promo)

Dhamala Ko Hamala is a program produced by well known journalist Rishi Dhamala. The program is based on Dhamala’s own style where he tries to pick up contemporary issues. The program is fun based and satirical.Suvekshya Thapa has apologized for the mistake and has told that she had no intention of hurting Buddhist people. In the mean time, various organizations had asked Thapa to be punished for undermining their faith and beliefs by using holy Khada to cover her body parts.Actress Suvekshya Thapa is known to create controversy for the promotion of her movies. Like her previous movies, Suvekshya has chosen to show off her body to promote her upcoming movie ‘Bindaas 3’.
Dhamala Ko Hamala with Subekchya Thapa (Promo) Dhamala Ko Hamala with Subekchya Thapa (Promo) Reviewed by xyz on 3:37 AM Rating: 5

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