Gagan to file candidacy for the party general secy

Gagan Thapa as chief guest for ca nsu second convention in delhi speaks about his feelings and ideology regarding nepal and students. Thapa remarked that the young generation can file candidacy for the post of party general secretary throughout the coming thirteenth General Convention of the party. He aforesaid that youth office bearers ought to have role at the choice creating level. Thapa aforesaid he would run for the general secretary post if any other youth doesn’t step forward. Speaking at a programme organised by the reporters club in Dang on Sunday, leader Thapa aforesaid the top brass leaders of the party ought to play the role of guardians, whereas the second-rung leaders ought to become candidate for the president.
Gagan to file candidacy for the party general secy Gagan to file candidacy for the party general secy Reviewed by xyz on 5:55 PM Rating: 5

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